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Q:  What is Hypnotherapy?


A:  Hypnosis is when the conscious mind is relaxed, and the deeper, inner mind is more available.  In this relaxed state, deeply held memories, beliefs, anxieties, etc., may be readily accessed and worked with towards healing.  In addition, the hypnotic state allows for a quicker and deeper uptake of preferred new beliefs.  Hypnotherapy is the process by which one works with a Hypnotherapist in order to achieve desired goals while in a state of hypnosis.


Q:  How does a session work?


A:  When clients work with me, I always take time to first talk together about any issues, concerns, and questions they may have.  I also ask questions which will help me to best approach our time in hypnosis. Afterwards, a client is invited to relax while lying or sitting down, close her or his eyes, and enter into a hypnotic state.  After hypnosis is concluded, the client and I take time to discuss before closing the therapeutic session.  Typically, a session will include a lesser amount of time in conscious discussion and a greater amount of time in hypnosis.


Q:  Will you be in control of me when I'm in hypnosis?  


A:  No.  Unlike in many movies or TV shows, I am not a magician who is controlling my subject through hypnosis!  You, the client, are always in control.  You will never find yourself saying or doing anything that would make you uncomfortable.  I consider myself a highly skilled guide who assists in bringing you to your own best solutions.  In fact, hypnosis is such a powerful modality especially because it offers the individual deeper access to his or her own wisdom and healing options.  In addition, I remind my clients when they are in hypnosis that it is safe and appropriate to raise any quesiton or concern at any time during our sessions. It's very important to me that every client feels safe and respected.


Q:  What are your qualifications?


A:  I have a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Certification from the Hypnotherapy Training Institute in Corte Madera.  I am further certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (Certificate # HT 112-042).  Although my earlier degree from U.C. Berkeley in Art History and my teaching experience in Language Arts are not directly linked to my therapeutic work, they inform my facility with language and creative imagination which are important aspects of Hypnotherapy.   


Q:  How do I know if I can be hypnotized?


A:  It is my experience that everyone can enter into a hypnotic state.  Hypnotic work is effective in both light and heavy states of relaxation.  You will find that being in hypnosis is, in fact, familiar to you.  However, if you are interested in working with someone while in hypnosis, it's important that you feel comfortable with that individual as that comfort will encourage success. This is something that can only be felt when meeting the therapist.  I do offer a 15 minute free phone consultation which can help you decide if you would like to try working with me and offer me the opportunity to assess your situation and recommend we meet or suggest other possible treatment options.  


Q:  How do I know if Hypnotherapy is for me?


A:  The fact that you are investigating Hypnotherapy through this web site probably indicates curiosity about its practice, and this would be the first question I'd ask as you decide whether it makes sense to try Hypnotherapy: am I curious about what Hypnotherapy is and what it can do for me?  The Hypnotherapy that I practice encourages self-empowerment and a seeking to understand oneself and exert positive effects in one's life. These are further questions you may wish to ask yourself as you consider working with Hypnotherapy: 

  • Am I interested in exploring my deeper self/subconscious?  

  • Do I want to learn techniques which I can use to support my healing and growth?

  • Am I looking for a new way to manage a frustrating and/or painful, long-standing problem? 

  • Am I seeking ways to enhance this experience of living and to better my daily life?  

  • Do I enjoy feeling empowered in my life?  

As you consider these questions honestly, you will come clearer to seeing whether you'd like to try Hypnotherapy.  Additionally, there is no need to worry about feeling anxious, nervous, unsure, or downright scared about a new therapeutic option; these feelings are quite normal and should not stand in your way of trying Hypnotherapy.  


Q:  How do I know if Hypnotherapy is not right for me?


A:  Certain mental health issues are outside of my scope of practice.  Schizophrenia, for example, is a condition with which I am not trained to work.  In the realm of physical healing, while I can and do work as an adjunct support for all types of medical complaints and conditions, I am not a primary source for any medical issue.  If you are unsure as to whether working with me makes sense, feel free to call or email and set up a 15 minute complimentary phone consult.  


Q:  How can I be more open to and prepare for a Hypnotherapy session, especially if I'm skeptical?


A:  Healthy skepticism is a good thing!  If you are interested in Hypnotherapy, but also unsure, writing down your questions and concerns is one way to begin to be clear with yourself as to the nature of your skepticism.  You are free to ask me any question, no matter how skeptical!  If you feel that your concerns are at risk of blocking an experience in which you are otherwise interested, discussing them beforehand is often helpful.  Also, it can be useful to suggest to yourself that you appreciate your skeptical nature and understand that it is a part of yourself which is interested in keeping you safe and honest; at the same time, choose to allow for the possibility that Hypnotherapy may offer you something meaningful and interesting.  Simply acknowledging both sides of this aspect of yourself can open the door to a valuable hypnotic experience.


Q:  Will I be talking about my problems while in hypnosis or will I just be listening to you?


A:  There are many different ways to approach healing while in a state of hypnosis.  Most usually, there is an on-going communication between my client and myself, although there are some times when a guided relaxation and supportive suggestions from my part may be the primary experience.  Even during these guided sessions, however, you are free to express yourself and voice any opinions, insights, or concerns.


Q:  How many sessions can I expect to need?


A:  As with any healing approach, the time required to see positive results depends on the issue or issues being treated and the nature of the individual.  Some issues need as few as 3 - 5 sessions to see resolution, while others may take 12 sessions or longer.  Some clients may choose to work with me even after the initial issue is resolved.  Most clients enjoy a relaxing and beneficial effect from the very first session.


Q:  What kinds of problems does Hypnotherapy treat?


A:  Hypnotherapy is a beneficial therapy for a vast array of concerns.  Most people are familiar with the idea of using Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation and weight/body image issues. Hypnotherapy's applications go much deeper, though.  This is a partial list of the issues which can be helped through Hypnotherapy:  

  •  insomnia 

  •  chronic or acute anxiety

  •  fears and phobias

  •  pain control

  •  healing support (physical)

  •  pre-operative preparation and post-operative healing

  •  relationship blocks or concerns

  •  self-esteem issues

  •  creative blocks

  •  PTSD

  •  loss and grieving

  •  questions over life's purpose.  

  • Hypnotherapy is also a wonderful support during pregnancy and in labor and delivery helping to control pain and stress for a loving, powerful experience.  





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